School Uniform
The wearing of uniform helps children to identify with the school.
The uniform is as follows:
Dark grey skirt
Dark grey uniform trousers
White blouse or white Polo shirt.
School Sweatshirt or blue cardigan
School Fleece
Blue and White Summer dress
Hat (Summer Term)
Black school shoes (no high heels– shoes must be comfortable for children to run and play in the playground)
White or grey shirt or white Polo shirt.
School Sweatshirt School Fleece
Hat (Summer Term)
Black school shoes
P.E Uniform
T-shirt in house colours (red, yellow, green, blue),
Navy shorts
Royal blue zipped hoodie embroidered
Plain navy jogging trousers
Plain black trainers
Blue Brookhurst School bags
Please order direct with suppliers.
Designer or expensive clothing such as coats or hats should not be worn to school as they can be damaged by children playing and undergo a lot of wear and tear. School is not covered on its insurance for loss of personal items and clothing. It is vital that all items of clothing and footwear are clearly marked with the child’s name.
(Local suppliers: Design and Stitch Workwear https://www.